021 4354598 info@barrydesign.ie

They say that everyone has a book in them. If you’re one of the many who have actually sat down and created that book, the next step is getting your book designed and printed. We’re here to help you give your book the professional finish it deserves with our book design and printing service.

The idea for a book is the easy bit; next comes the hard work of converting those ideas into words to create your manuscript, proofreading and editing, re-reading and re-editing until finally the hard work is done and you’re ready to print.

Getting your book printed – how does it work?

Book Design: Layout and Formatting

Firstly your book manuscript needs to be converted to a standard book size. Once in the correct print size you should consider the font type. Good fonts for novels are classic easy-to-read fonts like Courier or Garamond, whereas a cookery book can get away with some really creative fonts to enhance the appeal of your delicious recipes. Our design team are experts on matching fonts to the subject.

With your font decided you can finalise the layout of your book. Again all books are different; for novels you need to make sure new chapters start on a new page; for a cookery book the layout of ingredients, method, and amazing images all need to be presented to make the reader hungry just looking at the page; for a photography book the headings, photograph and caption all need to line up correctly – you get the idea.

Book Design: Creating an eye-catching cover

After putting all the hard work into your book writing it would be a shame to let it down with a generic cover template. Your book cover can have a massive impact on whether someone buys your book or leaves it on the shelf. Bring your book to life with a fabulous cover design! Meet with our talented team; whether your ideas are an image in your head, a simple sketch or photographs you want to use, and together we will tease out the perfect cover design that will make you stand out on those crowded book shelves.

While we’re talking about design we can also create anything else you may need for marketing your book; flyers, newsletters, social media ads, all essential tools if you want to spread the word about your new book.

ISBN Number

Any book published for retail is required to have an ISBN number and corresponding bar code. You can purchase this yourself through the Nielsen ISBN Agency or we can discuss as part of our book design and printing service.

Book Printing:

With the layout complete and a fantastic cover your book is ready for print. Gone are the days of having to print thousands of books on a litho printer. Now with high quality digital printing you can print as many or as few books as you wish.

There are a couple of standard papers for digital printing:

  • Recycled 80gm
  • Bright White 100gm
  • 150g/170g Silk

Soft covers are printed on high quality silk board that can be then coated in gloss or matt lamination film for durability and a professional finish. Consult us our design team for options on hardback covers.

If you’re thinking about getting your book designed and/or printed we’d love to talk you through the process and produce a book that you will be proud of. We offer a free consultation service and you’re welcome to visit our studio where we can show you real samples of previous books we have produced so you can see how your own book will look and feel in hard copy format.

Contact us today to ‘book’ an appointment!


