021 4354598 info@barrydesign.ie

DL Flyers

If you’re looking for a local Cork company to supply DL flyers at a very reasonable cost – look no further. DL flyers are our speciality…DL (Dimension Lenghtwise) measures 99mm W x 210 mm H and it’s a very popular sized flyer because firstly, it’s shape fits neatly into your standard business envelope and secondly it’s a very economical flyer to print as you can cut three of these out of an A4 sheet. Your standard compliment slip is also DL in size.

A very common mini brochure or leaflet is the A4 folded to DL. You can put a lot of information on it but when it’s folded down to the DL Flyer size again it’s easy to send out and display. It’s also very cheap to print as it’s a simple A4 sheet folded twice.

You’ll find that in hotel foyers they have display boxes that are made to take only this shape flyer or brochure, so consider where you might be displaying your flyers before you decide on what shape of flyer you will print.

Important to note when designing your DL Flyer:

When designing your flyer make sure you remember to have your company name and best selling points towards the top 1/3 section of the front of the leaflet – as when placed in most display stands this is the only part that will be visible.

To view samples of our DL Flyers click through the images below: